Free: IT'S NOT YOUR MOTHERS AUCTION GIRLS - Other - Auctions for Free Stuff


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This is not your mothers auction
this a little girls dress-up auction so if anybody out there has a little girl,granddaughter,neice,sister,neigbor,friend who likes to be girly and likes to dress-up they are going to love you for bringing this auction home with you!!this is my first auction everything you see will start out the auction as soon as i see an interest or the credits start climbing i will add something i may or maynot tell you what it is! or i just might feel like adding a surprise during or after the auction everything will be for a little girls dressup!! if you see anything in the pictures that will be in her own little auction box!so good luck and happy bidding!!if you could im also working for my 100 watchers badge remember you need to watch until the end! and also im working for my 1000fan badge so thank you and good luck to all the little girls

i will answer all questions as best as i can thank you!

i do not ship out of the usa please!
Questions & Comments
watching, and already a big fan!!
Feb 23rd, 2013 at 10:11:58 AM PST by
Thank you so much! !! its my very 1st auction im kind of copying it on a much smaller scale from the girl that taught me the ropes in the start!! and here i am!! i hope you can get some bidding in! i plan to add mor things and more things to my auction site but nature calls!!!! my nephews wife had a new baby girl so we have to run up there and my fans that know me know my moms on dyalisis so it takes awhile for her to get moving so hopefully the auction will move faster!! lol well good luck glad youre a fan and lets keep them coming i will check in later :-):-):-):-)
Feb 23rd, 2013 at 10:35:19 AM PST by
Fanned, Watching and Bidding :)
Feb 27th, 2013 at 1:01:01 PM PST by
this comment has been hidden
Feb 27th, 2013 at 1:02:40 PM PST by
fanned :)
Feb 28th, 2013 at 4:58:23 PM PST by
Thank you! now we are going! thank you for the bid! if it keeps going up i will add some more goodies after i go shopping tomorrow and dont forget the mothers pkg. its worth 15.00 im so excited!!!! happy to see it going up! happy bidding!:-):-)
Feb 28th, 2013 at 7:14:28 PM PST by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
watching and fanned
Feb 28th, 2013 at 10:09:31 PM PST by
watching and fanning back happy bidding!!!:-):-)
Feb 28th, 2013 at 10:16:16 PM PST by
Hi im back! the new baby is just a doll she would be so cute in some of these things she has so much hair oh! did i give a clue? well i will just tell you there is a bundle of hair ties with plastic colored beads in round and heart shapes and clear color there is a pkg.w/tiny 600rubber bands to do up her hair!there is one hair tie which is my favorite it has ribbons of different colors with different colored crystals on the ends it is beautiful!! well thats enough for now!! have a good weekend and happy bidding!!!
Feb 23rd, 2013 at 7:39:49 PM PST by
I have lots of things to add to our little girls auction where are the credits??? weve got to get this auction started!!

well shes got her own*** brite pink sparkly cosmetic case that has a
zipper across the top so she can carry her little goodies a couple that i may add as the auction continues!! theres also 4-cute different kinds
of different kinds of press on nails to help any little girl feel like a princess after her hair is done,now she can take her pick of the 4-different nail press ons to make her feel beautiful! well ive given you all these clues,lets help these little girls out! lets start the auction theres more things we can add to her little pink case and her own auction box! im ready to start when you are im going shopping today my mom is going to the hospital for tests so you know me. ...leaves me time to do some damage in my favorite stores! i will check in tonight to see if we have any bids if we have i just may show you what iv found today! so lets go folks! i know we can do it the auction is almost over and i still have lots more i could add with the credits and all so i willsee you later. ........,,:-):-):-)
Feb 26th, 2013 at 5:57:06 AM PST by
I feel so bad for all those little girls i had a few cute things to add
to the auction as the credits grew well we still got time!! maybe i can
still add those cute little things to the auction! lets hope!
lets get those credits moving! i do have something for mommy that i could add if the credits start adding then you can play along with
your little girl if the credits climb that pkg is worth at least 15.00?
heres hoping happy bidding!!!!!:-):-):-):-)
Feb 28th, 2013 at 9:01:08 AM PST by
Thank you for the first bid!!!! i did add an extra surprise gift its for
her hair she will love it whos going t be next!!!!
Feb 28th, 2013 at 9:08:13 AM PST by
Well im so excited about the bid i will tell you i added a tube of straberry scented 2fl.oz body lotion you rub in until its absorbed!!
ok! i will tell you the next increases of credits i will check back in the/morning! happy bidding!!!!
Feb 28th, 2013 at 9:01:16 PM PST by
Thank you for that third bid i have decided that when the auction reaches 5,000 credits and wins i will add the mothers pkg. worth over 15.00™ once it reaches there i will tell you what is in the mothers pkg. you have sweet dreams everyone see you all in the morning!!
Mar 1st, 2013 at 2:30:40 AM PST by
Hi everyone! ive got a couple more items to add lets add on some credits and we arent any where near putting in the mothers pkg!
1-theres a real of clear crystals for your nails
1-sm.bottle of red nail polish
1-round-brand new strip to cut off and make designs on nails(thin)
1-moonlight path bath n body and hand lotion
1-salon effects real nail polish strips sally hanson no dry time
peel and apply everything included in the box.
all of this is in the mothers gift bag but only if the auction winner
credits are over 5,000 credits or more so there it is all up front! !!
happy bidding!! good luck to the bidders and the winner!:-):-)
Mar 1st, 2013 at 8:49:39 AM PST by
i love it i have 2 girls and there birthdays are this month 2 days apart this is cool
Mar 1st, 2013 at 10:34:36 AM PST by
Watching and bidding
Mar 1st, 2013 at 11:45:34 AM PST by

IT'S NOT YOUR MOTHERS AUCTION GIRLS is in the Other Stuff | Other category