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How many golf club, what is the name brand, is the golf bag in this auction too. can you get a pic of the golf clubs, do the golf clubs coveralso go with this auction too, any general information would be greatly appreciated.
The golf bag is included in the auction. the golf club covers are also included in the auction. I have two large head drivers, brand name Northwestern. I have a total of 12 clubs. Two way chipper, Tour Choice. Clubs included are 3,4,5,7, 8,9. I also have a putting wedge. I do not know the name of the brand. I also have a golf glove. Golf tees and a number of golf balls, all items are included in the auction. The clubs were purchased for me a number of years ago. I was in a car accident and injured my left elbow. so, golf has been one of those things I have had to give up.