I'd prefer not to, since it slows the whole process down, but I will. Please understand that you'd need to get that to me the same week following the close of the auction & I wouldn't ship until after the cash is clear and free, since I don't receive the same protection (nor do you) from that method as I would from Paypal. It's not a personal policy, but I have had auctions on eBay for years and done Craig's list, etc. I've simply been burned before, so I am cautious.
March might seem like an odd time to plan on Christmas projects, but I love it - you have plenty of time to complete them before gift-giving (whether to others or yourself) begins. Make sure to check out the set of small Christmas decorations - one is a kit & the other 2 coordinating patterns - they aren't full-sized stockings, but decorations - smaller and quicker than this project :)
I can respect that, and understand there are a multitude of scams out there, unfortunately. I prefer Paypal, personally. You don't give me a card #, and there's a third party that has records of everything in addition to Listia. If you choose to use a check or money order, I can work with that, but it will be slower to get the items to you. I wouldn't want you to be disappointed with the speed, either. Thanks for the full disclosure and good luck!
I'm in no hurry being as how I'm working on a few quilting projects but I love keeping myself busy with making time for myself. I'm expecting my second child so I won't have much opportunity once he or she arrives.
Adding weight to your package adds much less to your postage than the initial package does - I have another Christmas cross stitch BNIP kit listed that is only bid to 41 credits right now. Check it out!! It also has gold plated ornament charms with it!
I have several cross stitch supplies auctions ending today & one of them is only up to 11 credits. I offer combined shipping, so create your own lot of projects & take advantage of postage savings :) Thanks and good luck!!