NEED MORE CREDITS? I have been asked several times how to make credits w/ surveys, so here are the instructions (took me a month or so to figure out how to do the surveys/where the FREE ones were, so sharing with all my Listia friends out there. :) There are several ways to earn credits on Listia. 1) list stuff (but takes long time, especially when you are new), 2) complete offers (but then you have to give personal info which I'm still iffy about here. 3) SURVEYS - answering ?s, giving opinions, watching videos or looking at ads etc. I love doing the surveys, I have made as much as 3000 credits in a day doing peanut labs, Ampario, and recently lab42. Ok, to get to the surveys, 1. Go to "Get Credits" at the top of the screen/page on whatever page of listia you are on, 2. Click "Fill out trusted surveys" from the list (you can also click watch todays videos, but only usually 1 or 2 videos/day for few credits). 3. You will see two tabs - one for Peanut Labs & one for Surveys by Trial Play 4. Peanut labs, right under the tab you should see surveys, First time you have to enter you info (birthday/male or female/ age/ income level/ etc....) Once your basic info is in, you will start getting good surveys in this spot. in blue, for ex. Free Research Survey....300 credits.I just do mainly Peanut Labs surveys, in Blue at top, and once I finish however many are there, I click "Refresh" on the internet page, and usually more surveys pop up (that's my tip/hint - refresh for more surveys AFTER you completed all the surveys shown) I usually don't do the ones with the pics next to them, usually those take long and I have problems getting the credits. Ampario & lab42 survey you can do 1 per day, they are under the TRIALPLAY tab.
I still have mine in the box, never used, maybe I will try listing it later today!! Seems like a lot of people need/want this!!