The listing, Huge lots of lotions, bath care, colognes, perfume and assortment has ended.
This is an auction for a huge lot of beauty care items.
It includes shampoo cap, bath sponges, bath scrubbies, bath soap, bath salts, nexcare foot care lotion, fizz bars, stuffed bear, cucumber cleansing tissues, picture frame, potpourri, nail polish, steris body wash and shampoo, almay deep mist cleansing lotions, roll of naticial wall border paper, nivea cream, hand crocheted dollies, kerri lotion, one bottle of 5 hour energy shot, one wax melt and lots more. Most of the items are unopened, a couple bottles are partial bottles, by partial I mean just a little bit is missing. Great for Valentine's Day. Shipping is $10.00, I don't accept paypal. Cash or money order only. I just added some vanilla coconut bath salts to this lot. The vanilla coconut items smell so good. If you love vanilla or coconut, these are great. Notice the very large container in the background that is also coconut. OMG, it's out of this world. I don't take baths, so I kept the shower gels, the body scrub and the lotions.