Free: Hoyle MAHJONG Tiles - PC Game - USED but Like New! – FREE SHIPPING - PC Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Hoyle MAHJONG Tiles - PC Game - USED but Like New! – FREE SHIPPING

Hoyle MAHJONG Tiles - PC Game - USED but Like New! – FREE SHIPPING
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The listing, Hoyle MAHJONG Tiles - PC Game - USED but Like New! – FREE SHIPPING has ended.

Hoyle MAHJONG Tiles (2000) (Sierra Attractions) – USED only one time to download it onto my PC but Disc & original Jewel Case are both in EXCELLENT Condition (RATED E for Everyone) - Hoyle Mahjong Tiles adds 2 variations to the otherwise traditional game of mahjong with Memory Tiles and Gravity Tiles. In classic mahjong, two styles of tiles are available in more than 60 different tile configurations. As in traditional play, gameplay requires matching pairs of tiles until the board is cleared or no matches remain. In the Memory Tiles variation, tiles are initially turned facedown in the traditional "memory" card game-style, not stacked, and tile pairs that don't match revert to facedown status. Boards don't have the 60-layout variety, but can be created in the Layout Maker feature. Gravity Tiles require matching tiles of the same color and at least one adjacent edge to clear the board, with tiles stacked above "falling" to replace those removed. Players can set up the board to match three, four, or five different colors of tiles. Gameplay in Hoyle Mahjong Tiles is customizable, with options to change the background scenery, select character appearance, and create your own mahjong boards. Games can be played without the CD, thus freeing up the computer to play personal selections if desired. Both two-player and on-line options are included, with unique scoring methods offered as incentive in solo play.
3 game variations: Classic, Memory Tiles, and Gravity Tiles
Design your own layouts and choose backgrounds and tile sets
Over 60 colorful tile layouts

Original game still in its’ original Jewel Case with Original Artwork.

SVGA 640x480 @ 256 colors
2X CD-ROM drive
Sound Card with DAC
28.8 BPS modem
32-bit Internet service provider for Internet options
Questions & Comments
With free shipping! – all items won are mailed out the following wednesday. free shipping to canada if gin is used to win this auction. any questions or comments are gladly excepted & appreciated as long as you are not rude, thank you very much, dot!
Mar 12th, 2013 at 11:58:40 AM PDT by

Hoyle MAHJONG Tiles - PC Game - USED but Like New! – FREE SHIPPING is in the Video Games & Consoles | Video Games | PC Games category