The listing, Yellow clover has ended.
The winner will get a teaspoon of these tiny inoculated seeds. Great for attracting bees and beneficial garden bugs. Clover is also a natural soil fixer. The root was consumed as a food by the Kalmuks. Young shoots can be cooked and used like asparagus. Young leaves can be eaten in salads and the leaves and seedpods cooked as a vegetable. They have also been used as a flavoring. Only fresh leaves should be used. The flowers, raw or cooked, are edible. The flowers and seeds can be used as a flavoring. The flowering plant is antispasmodic, aromatic, and has agents that relieves and removes gas from the digestive system, that induces urination, that softens and soothes the skin when applied locally, and agents that induces the removal (coughing up) of mucous secretions from the lungs. It is mildly sedative and has agents that help in healing wounds, fresh cuts, etc., usually when used as a poultice. A tea has been used in the treatment of sleeplessness, nervous tension, neuralgia, palpitations, swollen and twisted veins, painful congestive menstruation, in the prevention of thrombosis, flatulence and intestinal disorders. Externally, it is used to treat eye inflammations, rheumatic pains, swollen joints, severe bruising, boils and erysipelas, whilst a decoction is added to the bath-water. The flowering plant is harvested in the summer and can be dried for later use. A distilled water obtained from the flowering tops is an effective treatment for conjunctivitis.