the bidding going up higher would cover the shipping and handling for free. So bid a bid more to cover the price of the US postal service.(Also deoends on location) How's that sound? Cool!? Let me n know....
Okay. Could you please tell me the exact credit amount you would give free shipping? Since its' starting at 0, I really don't know what you feel the game is worth. Thanks!
Someone else has one on for 100 credits, so I would say start it at 100 + to cover the shipping! Has the regular hairlines but plays excellant. My kids just out grew those games! Are you interested in any other games? Let me know. We will check for them. Good day!
Ahh, I've mostly been interested in this one as of late, but thanks! I'll keep an eye on this listing. My PS2s are a little iffy, so I might buy the Xbox version instead...
Oh - could you change the listing to start the bid at 100, if it gets near the time and nobody else has bid it up? Otherwise, the bid goes by proxy, so it would start at 1...