The listing, Coach Brown Signature Hamptons Tote Handbag has ended.
Used Brown Coach Hamptons Signature Tote Handbag. It has some wear to the leather parts, which can typically be fixed by a leather repair shop. I still get a lot of compliments on this bag, but it's time for me to move on to something else.
This is a large bag, 15 in long, by 8.25 in tall, by 6.5 in wide. The dual leather carry straps are adjustable, with an 8 in drop. There is a zippered pocket on the back of the purse with a leather zipper pull. There are two slip pockets and a zipper pocket on the inside. The leather part of the zipper pull on the inside pocket fell off. There is a metal key ring inside the purse. There are snaps on each of the sides of the purse so that it can be expanded if you needed. Their are 4 metal feet on the bottom of the purse. The purse closes with a wide leather strap and a magnetized metal snap. The brown "COACH" key ring style tag is in great condition. The interior well known "COACH" patch has the number G0851-F12642 printed on it. If you look this credo number up, you will find that this is an authentic Coach handbag.
I will list/show photos of all the flaws that I see, because I want you to know what you are getting. The signature fabric is in excellent condition, with only one very small (less than 1mm) black spot on the bottom of the bag. There are no other stains, and no rips, holes, or worn areas on the "C" fabric. The brown interior fabric has some faint light colored staining that I think may be from powder. I cleaned it a little, but you may be able to clean it some more. Some of the stitching that attaches one of the leather carry straps to the leather around the top of the purse is beginning to come undone. The leather carry straps are starting to crack along the edges. On the bottom of the purse, all four corners are showing some wear. The piping is showing through the leather. Again, all of the issues with the leather can likely be fixed at a leather repair shop.