Free: GIN for TWO ♥ Gorgeous Stoppers ♥ Euro Charms *Fit Pandora* Please ♦READ♦ ~FREE US Ship~ - Bracelets - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: GIN for TWO ♥ Gorgeous Stoppers ♥ Euro Charms *Fit Pandora* Please ♦READ♦ ~FREE US Ship~

GIN for TWO ♥ Gorgeous Stoppers ♥ Euro Charms *Fit Pandora* Please ♦READ♦ ~FREE US Ship~
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The listing, GIN for TWO ♥ Gorgeous Stoppers ♥ Euro Charms *Fit Pandora* Please ♦READ♦ ~FREE US Ship~ has ended.

♦ If you win multiple items ♦
I will send you a surprise BONUS!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You win TWO with Get it Now, otherwise you won ONE of these gorgeous Euro charm stoppers.

♥ Lots ♥ of people ask me for stoppers (these push/screw on) to prevent charms from coming loose when you open your bracelet. Stoppers are expensive little devils, but these are SUPER lovely antique floral design~ you win the stoppers shown in the first two photos.

These have the rubber inside, and screw on over the clasp end. They fit Pandora or any style Euro bracelet, including the unbranded bracelets I have on LIstia. These also let you "stop" the charms where you want ~ see the necklace photos as an example.

♥ Always ♥ shipped FREE in the US!

If you would like to buy charms from me via paypal, send me a message with your e-mail address~I'll send you my price list. I do not sell on any other web site.

You are bidding on the stoppers shown in the first photos ~ made of Tibetan silver, (i.e. no silver in the metal, and not silver plated) with an antiqued finish.

Other photos show examples of bracelets I've made with the Euro charms I have on Listia. The secret to my elegant designs is to use one color scheme (such as blue or turquoise), with textured silver and white charms and maybe a dangle or two ...

You will ♥ LOVE ♥ the result!

To see all my Euro charm listings on ~ONE~ search page, including two styles of bracelet and a BUNCH of new necklaces:

♥ type natahoa in the search box at the top of the page
♥ choose the JEWELRY category in the left column
♥ list them "ending soonest" in the drop-down menu to see them in order
♥ at the bottom of the page, click on "100" to show up to 100 listings

Free US shipping. I ship on Wednesday.

Please don't ask me to fan you, and I suggest you use discretion in whom you fan ... scammers LOVE to have lots of fans. I only fan someone after a transaction.
Questions & Comments
i need these but not enough credits . guess i have to list more.
Apr 2nd, 2013 at 9:53:37 AM PDT by
I have more, so if they aren't listed when you have enough credits, just let me know and I can list them for you. I'll probably list them again GIN after this listing ends.
Apr 2nd, 2013 at 9:59:33 AM PDT by
Hey there I need these bad after ordering all your beautiful charms now they fall off when I open it but I read the top because the bracelet I have has a thread piece on It that wouldn't let 2 of the beads I got go on and some where a tight fit its just getting over that thread piece but anyway I measured it as best it could it right under 4mm so I was seeing if you think I can get them on? If not let me know I might just get a whole another bracelet from ya cuz I wouldn't be able to where this without half then falling off when I put it on and off lol ...oh and by the way I loves the purse charm you should put up close up pics of them cuz they are super cute and hard to notice in your pics I think more people would want them :) just a thought Anyway as always thanks for all you help your so kind I really appreciate it!!
Apr 6th, 2013 at 6:34:40 AM PDT by
Yes, these should work on your bracelet ... you sort of screw them on over the threaded "open" end of your bracelet. I tried them on the bracelets I have and they work very well.

The adjustable bracelets I sell on Listia have screw-off ends, so the charms can't fall off. But a bracelet with a snap clasp on the end ... it's really aggravating that the charms just slide off. The expensive brand name charms actually have threads inside each one, so I guess they don't normally slide off when you open the bracelet. These costume jewelry charms and bracelets ... the stoppers work great!
Apr 7th, 2013 at 3:06:22 AM PDT by
Oh and just saw the purse one lol love it they are just to cute hope they sell good for ya cuz there adorable!!
Apr 6th, 2013 at 6:42:40 AM PDT by
I also have those charms in red and black, but those are more wintery colors so I just listed the purple this week. They are adorable, aren't they? They are a great magenta color that works well with purples, pinks AND magenta ... and I have a lot of charms in those colors!

Thanks Jen, I'm so glad you like these!
Apr 7th, 2013 at 3:09:15 AM PDT by
Thanks for the answers and I'm gonna get some stoppers in a couple days gotta get more credits lol and maybe a few other things you've got me hooked on wanting to make me some different bracelets cuz I love so many of your beads lol :) an as always thanks for being so nice and helpful your just to kind
Apr 7th, 2013 at 7:55:14 PM PDT by
I try to be helpful, since some of this stuff can be confusing. If you can't get them in time for me to ship Wednesday and want me to hold your package an extra day or two, I can do that. I always add an extra charm or two for buyers who win multiple items.

I have more of these, so if they sell before you get to them, just watch for my relist. To see all my Euro charm listings on ~ONE~ search page, including two styles of bracelet and a BUNCH of new necklaces:

♥ type natahoa in the search box at the top of the page
♥ choose the JEWELRY category in the left column
♥ list them "ending soonest" in the drop-down menu to see them in order
♥ at the bottom of the page, click on "100" to show up to 100 listings
Apr 8th, 2013 at 3:40:36 AM PDT by

GIN for TWO ♥ Gorgeous Stoppers ♥ Euro Charms *Fit Pandora* Please ♦READ♦ ~FREE US Ship~ is in the Jewelry & Watches | Bracelets category