The listing, Your Choice 5 Packets Heirloom Seeds has ended.
Over 40 different varieties of open pollinated heirloom vegetable seeds
Each packet will include 25+ seeds
Choose any 5 (five) seed packs for one low price.
Tell us your choices through Listia messaging. We will include complete growing instructions and include some of our favorite recipes!
Choose any 5 (five) from the list below:
Top Crop Bean
Contender Bean
Kentucky Wonder Bean
Scarlett Nantes Carrot
Danvers Half Long Carrot
Early Golden Acre Cabbage
Broom Corn(Sorghum)
Large Indian Corn
Ladyfinger Popcorn
Strawberry Popcorn
Lemon Round Cucumber
Black Beauty Eggplant
Little Fingers Eggplant
Garden Huckleberries
Ground Cherries
Birdhouse Gourd
Mini Spinner Gourd
Large Ladle Gourd
Mixed Fancy Gourd
Winged Gourd
Mammoth Dill
Lemon Balm
Sweet Banana pepper
Jalapeno Hot Pepper
Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper
Mini Stuffing Peppers
Small Sugar Pumpkin
Connecticut Field Pumpkin
Jack Be Little Pumpkin
White (white skin + flesh) Pumpkin
Spaghetti Squash
Butternut Squash
Black Krim
Great White
Green Grape
Green Zebra
Large Red Cherry
Lemon drop
Old German
Red Grape
Yellow Pear
Crimson Sweet Watermelon
Lemon Queen Sunflower
Mammoth Russian Sunflower
Tomatillo Verde (green)
Blue Morning Glory
Blue Fescue Grass
If you have questions about any of the varieties please contact us!
These are all non-hybrid open-pollinated seeds we grow ourselves. We use no chemicals and use only natural fertilizer made on our farm to grow our plants.
Seeds were produced during the 2012 gardening season. (Germination tested at over 85%) They are good through 2014