Free: Keurig SS700 Programmable Single-Cup Coffee Maker - Kitchen - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Keurig SS700 Programmable Single-Cup Coffee Maker

Keurig SS700 Programmable Single-Cup Coffee Maker
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The listing, Keurig SS700 Programmable Single-Cup Coffee Maker has ended.

The Keurig SS700 has all the bells & whistles! It includes a large capacity water tank, so it doesn't need constant refilling; it has a water filter; it keeps some water hot constantly, so you can have a steaming cup of coffee in moments!

It also features a removable drip tray for easy cleaning, and allowing use of travel mugs. The system has 5 cup sizes, can be programmed to turn on/off whenever you would like, and even allows you to set the exact temp of your water. It also provides instant hot water to use with soups or other instant beverages. It uses K-cups, but there is a special filter available that is shaped like a K-cup and allows you to use your own coffee if you would like.

I love this system. I have had this one for about a year and a half. It has become a little inconsistent lately, pouring only 4 oz. cups when I selected 8, and occasionally getting stuck and not sending through water at all. Unplugging the system for several minutes and wiping down the needles fixes this problem. I have looked it up on the Keurig customer service site, and it sounds like a thorough cleaning (especially the needles) and descaling would probably fix the issue. I was planning on doing it, but my husband surprised me with a new one instead. I believe cleaning will fix it, but I am listing it AS IS, with no guarantees.

This is a heavy item, over 16 lbs., and will be shipping from 73115. I estimate shipping to be around $25, give or take a few dollars depending on your location. I'm sorry, but I cannot offer free shipping.

This is the link to the online instruction manual, which will show you all the options available on this system, plus instructions for descaling and cleaning, which I THINK will restore it, BUT I can and do NOT make any guarantees. It is currently usable, but has to be unplugged to "reset" it fairly often. Other than that, it is in excellent shape, no missing parts.
Questions & Comments
Doesn't it say Cuisinart on the front of it? It was listed as a Keurig.... which is it please?? Thanks. ♥
Apr 10th, 2013 at 5:14:05 PM PDT by
Cuisinart IS Keurig, I am not sure if Cuisinart makes Keurig or Keurig makes Cuisinart, but either way, it is both. Here is a link to one being sold at Home Depot that shows both names:
Apr 10th, 2013 at 6:57:24 PM PDT by
Thank you so much for clearing that up... I do appreciate it.... ♥
Apr 10th, 2013 at 7:33:55 PM PDT by
np :)
Apr 11th, 2013 at 12:45:16 PM PDT by
I never knew that, cool! What would be exact shipping to 68152 please?
Apr 12th, 2013 at 1:59:02 PM PDT by
Dimensions on this model are 10.2"x13.5"x12.1", 16.3 pounds, and I am shipping from zip 73115. I added a little extra to all of that to allow for packaging, and came up with $24.53 priority mail, plus $.75 for tracking. Parcel post was actually more expensive than priority! Please be aware that figure can change slightly once I actually get it packaged, but shouldn't change by more than a dollar or two. Thanks!
Apr 12th, 2013 at 5:19:48 PM PDT by
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Apr 16th, 2013 at 9:51:29 PM PDT by
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Apr 17th, 2013 at 9:52:02 AM PDT by
Would you accept a Prepaid Shipping Label? If so would you be able to print it or would it need to be Mailed to you....
Apr 17th, 2013 at 9:38:40 AM PDT by
Yes, a prepaid shipping label would be fine. I can print it if the shipping company allows a third party to print after you pay for it, or you can print and mail it to me, either way. I will get it packaged and give you the exact dimensions and weight. Thanks
Apr 17th, 2013 at 9:49:47 AM PDT by
I would save it as a PDF file and email it to you...
Apr 17th, 2013 at 10:01:10 AM PDT by
I've never tried that, but it seems like it would work. It's fine with me :)
Apr 17th, 2013 at 7:45:13 PM PDT by

Keurig SS700 Programmable Single-Cup Coffee Maker is in the Home & Garden | Kitchen category