Free: RED Glass Beads.( they are called white heart) vintage - Beading & Jewelry Supplies - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: RED Glass Beads.( they are called white heart) vintage

RED Glass Beads.( they are called white heart) vintage
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The listing, RED Glass Beads.( they are called white heart) vintage has ended.

this is for a small bag of little seed beads. they are glass and are vintage. around 120-130 beads. shipping is free and a gin is availible. just ask. if gin is used i will double it. i have plenty so if you want a gin and some one has bid let me know ill create one with a gin. gin will be 5000. as always free shipping. i will not lower the days so please dont ask. i will do a gin so you can get earlier.
Questions & Comments
f & w
Apr 21st, 2013 at 6:17:33 AM PDT by

RED Glass Beads.( they are called white heart) vintage is in the Crafts | Beading & Jewelry Supplies category