Free: John Q VHS previewed Denzel - VHS - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: John Q VHS previewed Denzel

John Q VHS previewed Denzel
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This as very good movie based totally on fiction because it couldn't happen in our society!

As a rule, it's not a good idea to pick up a gun, take over the emergency room of a hospital and threaten to kill your family's cardiac surgeon. But that's what Denzel Washington's character does in the film John Q. when his son is denied the heart transplant he needs to survive. And if box-office reaction is any indication, plenty of frustrated health-care consumers have at least fantasized about doing the same thing: John Q., released in late February, hit No. 1 in its first week and stayed near the top. But does HMO hell really get this bad?

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Apr 22nd, 2013 at 10:43:30 PM PDT by

John Q VHS previewed Denzel is in the Movies & TV Shows | VHS category