i still havent found anything that says the vreader plays any thing other than vreader. although it looks as though it might fit, im really not sure! im going to the main site to check on it right now!
so far i have not found anything that says you could play the vtech game i have listed on the Vreader. Im Still Looking Though. Sorry. It Originally Played On The Vtech V.Smile
tigerlily83, this game was actually played on the ''V.Smile pocket'' i didnt realize my son had the same game system you had asked me about sorry. So Yes It Does Play On The V.Smile ;-)
Paulakoble, i have been checking to see if this game is compatible with vtech vreader. im having trouble just getting the answer lol without getting sent to this site then that. ill letcha know as soon as i find out. Thanks and sorry i didnt have an answer right away!
paulakoble im not sure how much you know about your childs vreader by Vtech but while i was doing research to find out if your system actually played this game , i came across this info about the Vreader I was amazed of what that system could do!! also how you could actually get purchase downloads and get some for free. its truly a great system. if you got a sec, go to this link and check out what they have to offer!! http://.squidoo.com/vtech-kids-v-reader