Merry meet!
this auction is for my personal house cleansing ritual and blessing.
a house cleansing ritual is a way to remove any negative energies that might be lurking in your home. this is especially useful when...
moving into a new house,
there has been a lot of negativity there,
you've had a run of bad luck,
you sense an unwelcome energy-being or ghost,
any time the energy feels heavy, dark, lethargic, or grungy.
in fact, it's wonderful to do a purification ritual for your home regularly. you will really notice a difference in the feel of the house, and the smoothness of your life as well! negative energies have a habit of collecting in our living spaces, and this affects our lives.
i am the author of this ebook. i put it in pdf format for easy viewing and printing.
it must be emailed to the winner. please provide me with your email address when the auction ends.
no refunds or exchanges- i am not walmart
no bidders remorse!
no minors!!
any questions please feel free to ask.
please make sure you haven't won this before! i will no longer refund credits for lack of memory!
blessed be