Free: Canna Indica Lily ~ Indian Shot ~ Hummingbirds Love It! - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Canna Indica Lily ~ Indian Shot ~ Hummingbirds Love It!

Canna Indica Lily ~ Indian Shot ~ Hummingbirds Love It!
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The listing, Canna Indica Lily ~ Indian Shot ~ Hummingbirds Love It! has ended.

Hardiness: USDA Zones 7 - 11. These seeds were gathered 4/17/2013. You can see seed pods in photos, plants are in their major growth period and do not have many blooms at the moment. Added a photo of seeds started 2 months ago, you can still see seeds stuck to roots. Excuse the brown tips on leaves, pulled them out for pictures and for got them for 3 days.
Auction is for 15 seeds. 25+ w/GIN
Plant in full sun.
Canna indica, also known as Saka siri, Indian shot, canna, bandera, chancle, coyol, platanillo or canna lily, is a wonderful hummingbird attractant. Not picky about soil type, but prefers a well draining moist spot in all sun. Once a year throw some good horse/cow compost around the base and that is all the feeding it will ever need. These seeds should breed pretty true to parent plant, but there may be some variation.
Seeds are hard (will bounce and roll away if dropped on floor. lol) so should be scarified and soaked for 48 hours before planting. I have heard of dipping them in boiling water for a few seconds until they pop, but have not tried this myself.
Once plants are established, they are like any other rhizome and can be divided and shared. They will spread on their own. Large green leaves that can reach 3-5ft tall.
Hardy perennial down to zone 7. Colder areas you can either lift rhizomes and store for winter, or if ground does not freeze you can just mulch heavily.
Roots are used to make arrowroot.
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Canna Indica Lily ~ Indian Shot ~ Hummingbirds Love It! is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category