Free: The Family Manager's Guide for Working Moms by Kathy Peel - Nonfiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: The Family Manager's Guide for Working Moms by Kathy Peel

The Family Manager's Guide for Working Moms by Kathy Peel
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"It's not two jobs. It's a life . . . Ours to shape as we will."
--Kathy Peel

If you're a working wife and mother who's about ready for crash-and-burnout, hang on. There's good news from family-management expert Kathy Peel, who shows you in this book how to use systems and skills from the office to bring order out of your domestic chaos. In short, she transforms you into a resourceful family manager in charge of a relaxed, comfortable, and orderly home. Inside you'll learn how to

Involve the whole family in planning and teamwork
Set long- and short-term priorities and goals
Establish routines and delegate responsibility
Manage food, finances, property, and social life
Work smarter, using Kathy's hundreds of time-saving ideas, everything from organizing the freezer to using the Internet
Prepare for the unexpected
Balance your one and only life so that you can be there for yourself as well as for others

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The Family Manager's Guide for Working Moms by Kathy Peel is in the Books | Nonfiction Books category