Free: **Tiered Auction: Paper Towels!!!! - Other - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: **Tiered Auction: Paper Towels!!!!

**Tiered Auction: Paper Towels!!!!
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The listing, **Tiered Auction: Paper Towels!!!! has ended.

No....this is NOT a joke, DO NOT FLAG...please...

Ok so i am laying here, and i get to thinking....What is something everyone uses daily, that EVERYONE will need?


Well i will go to wal-mart and personally BUY a 2pk roll of PT!
Leave comments and let me know what you guys would like.

This is how its going to work...

you will get 1 2pk no matter what.
and at 500 credits i will get 2 2pks
and at 1000 you will get 8 ROLLS OF PAPER TOWELS!!!!


If this does well....Then i am SOOOOOOOo going to have to find something else........cause this is awesome....

Free Shipping in the US Only!

**I usually offer free shipping worldwide. However due to some packages i have sent in the past month, still not being received, i am forced to withdraw that option. If and When those packages arrive i may go back to doing that again. But I happen to like my good feedback, and do not wanna ruin it.

***I am a smoker, and i am in a 18 wheeler, and trying to get an 18 wheeler into a postoffice is like trying to fit a watermelon into a lemon. ALMOST impossible. I usually ship on Fridays, but depending on the week, it could take up to 2 weeks for me to ship your item. If you do not accept these terms, feel free to not bid!
Questions & Comments
**my last auction for toilet paper, i ordered it from, that way you have a tracking number and a order number, and i will do this with this auction as well!!! happy bidding!!!

***you can leave suggestions for brands...but it will be up to me as to what you get=)
Oct 16th, 2010 at 2:00:35 AM PDT by
I Like the idea of ordering off then you can have it shipped directly from walmart. with DC and save you the hassle of trying to swing that 18 wheeler into the parking lot.. would doing that get it shipped more promply instead of 2 weeks? LMK.. great auction and Everyone needs paper towels.. Can you do the select a size ? Those are the Bomb!
Oct 21st, 2010 at 10:52:17 PM PDT by
I don't know what Select a size is lol........and no since i am ordering from walmart i will order it as soon as i get your before i could edit the description....i had bids lol
Oct 22nd, 2010 at 1:05:59 AM PDT by
i'm going to bed goodluck to the winner=)
Oct 22nd, 2010 at 9:47:44 PM PDT by

**Tiered Auction: Paper Towels!!!! is in the Other Stuff | Other category