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The listing, budhha has ended.
Stone brass curve sitting happy buddha, a very detailed carving made of brass come with stand.The laughing Buddha statue is a symbol of happiness and contentment.
Questions & Comments
Hi Ingrid2013, If you want to since no one has bid and we all want to you can just go in an edit this auction and we will be bidding like crazy..Hope this helps and good luck. I'm a fan and a watcher and hope to bid. :)
he looks like the real deal from a buddist temple . May have a real find hard to tell from photos can you get more clear photos and maybe weight and diminsons height width and length .
I got one only it's made out of plaster. It was my Grandmothers. On the back at the bottom it says: Gen Art, CO. 1966 I was born in 61 and its been around since i can remember. Sit's out in the garage now but it's still in excellent shape. Fanned & good luck on your auction. I may put mine up for auction one of these days!
This is actually an artists rendition of "Confucious". Buddha is actually represented always with this third eye in tact, usually prayer beads, and a pointy, not rounded chin. These are just some friendly stories I picked up from buddhist friends along the way. Namaste.
I did get your msg in my e-mail even though you hid it on here. I know what you mean hun...I would have an unbelievably hard time getting rid of it too. If you feel that strongly I would go with your instincts and keep it! :)
Me & my husband have a HUGE Buddha collection and he would be AWESOME to add to it!! I so wish I had the credits!! Love him!! Good Luck!! :) (PS. I don't think I would start at 0, you might want to start even at like 500 or 1000. I still think people would bid like crazy!! I would hate to see it go for any less than that! Just my opinion.) I'll F&W to see if he goes, if not I'll keep an eye out for him to be listed again!! BTW..I would really appreciate if you could fan back and I have a watchers auction I could use help on. I won't post the link on anyone's wall w/o their permission but I only have a few running right now and it's easy to find! I would really appreciate the help and I always pay it forward if you ever need anything, just ask!! Thanks again!! :)
yes ,it doesn't say anything on mine , i try to check the edges and it appears to be gold tone ..check pictures ...with the tape measures that i took...thanks i would love to see your buddha...can you put it on auction now....