DG is a regestered trademark and is the brand of the glasses.That is why they are listed only as DG..There are no serial numbers on DG brand glasses. They are celeberty inspired and not associated with any designer brand names. I just wanted to make this clear since there seems to be some confusion. They are great quality. This brand is licenced and trademarked and are legal to sale. I sale them like crazy at my store that is in a local mall where I live. I just thought I would share some with my fellow lista fans. I have tried to take other pics but it is hard to get them to look any better then the ones I already have on. Sorry for the inconvience. I am also very busy and don't have time. I hope I have answered everyones questioins.
Oh okay I was going to ask if they were real. So these aren't a knock off brand of Dolci and Gabanna they are a different brand with the same logo DG. Thanks for being honest. I am sick of ppl saying stuff is real when it isn't just to get more bids. That isn't right. So ty again for being honest. And great auction. Fanned and watching.