already a fan, watcher # 26, and high bidder at the moment... and I do have an auction that I was looking for 200 watchers... lost about 25 in the last 3 days, so I have been pushing it a bit. I will not just put the link on your auction without permission, but if you would like to advertise yours on mine, please feel free to do so, because it will only help you out. Even if you are already watching it, add this one as well for all of the ones I am bidding on at the moment have come from looking at watcher auctions. Somone said that if I get to 360 that it is the next one in line, so I am going to push to that. please watch until the end, for I will do the same for you!!
In the last hours, I would like to just Thank everybody for putting me on your watchlist. Thank you, Thank you. Thank you. Good luck bidding and to the winner.