if the auction reaches Fifteen Thousand(15,000) I will send 5 Knives Total. 4 Bonus knives to winner if the Auctions reaches FIFTEEN THOUSAND (15,000) or more. For every 5 thousand (5,000) past Fifteen Thousand a new knife will be added. So when it reaches FIFTEEN THOUSAND (15,000) you will get 5 Knives Total. ALL BRAND NEW! But at 20.000 -Twenty Five Thousand Credits (25,000) -Thirty Thousand Credits (30,000) -Thirty Five Thousand Credits (35,000) So each l Five Thousand (5,000) Credits that are Added after reaching Fifteen Thousand (15,000) a new knife will be added for each additional (5,000) Credits. But the auction must reach 15,000 Before i will add knives. Besides the original Bonus knife i promised.
TWO (2) Knives total go to te winner of THIS auction! The original kife shown and an Added bonus knife. The BONUS knife is About Same size range as the Original Knife.
You have no info on the knife.. What is the brand? Blade size? Opened size? Grip material? Since you can't do GIN on this knife because u already has bids, what knife will you put up for GIN? Approx how much for GIN? Thanks.
the knife is 7 inches. A little under a half an inch wide. The knife has rubber grips. It is the one Showed above. The blade is Stainless steal. Not sure of the brand but it was not cheap when i bought it.