The listing, Jewelrycandle Tarts,Yankee & Scent-sations has ended.
Alert! trying for 100 watchers badge pls help.
Have you ever wanted to try a scent from Jewelrycandles before you decide to buy just one?
well I have 7 JC scents here for you to try in your candle warmer plus more.
I have here 6 indiv. tarts pictured in the first 2 pictures you see the squares on the catalog ( a tart pkg has 6 squares in ea. one) You are getting 1 square from ea. of the 6 Jewelrycandle scents plus the little white round one pictured in the 3rd and 4th photo is another jewelry candle scent made from a JC candle I bought cld Cozy Fireplace.
so the scent samples you will get in Jewelry candles line are :
1.Butterfly flowers-2.Banana Creme pie-3.Blueberry Muffins- 4.Think Pink- 5.Watermellon Kiwi 6.I Love My Pet and 7. Cozy fireplace.
(Butterfly flowers is my all time fav. btw)
~The next is a tart from Scent-sations line called Russian tea-it is large I usually cut it in 4ths to burn a quarter of it at a time because of its size, I love this scent btw !
~ And the last one is a good sized tart called gardenia from Yankee candles.
~IF I reach the 100 watchers you will also get a surprise piece of Jewelry in its own organza gold rose bag.
~Ea. little tart has a label so you will know what scent is what. And is all baged in this large organza bag.
I am a Rep. for Jewelrycandles. These are soy based tarts for your candle warmers. You can check out my pinterest page at and see the many different scents & items- This auction only Ships in U.S-won't shorten days as I'm going for badges! TY for looking and watchin!