No,I will look though because I may have another of a different size.I should have taken a picture showing the underside.There are 2 velcro fasteners and I think they might adjust a little.I'll also try to get info online for you..
I do have another that is extra small,but it has a button broke off. The size chart says -Measure your dog from the base of the neck to the base of the tail.Then proceeds to list breed examples for each size.Dachshund-Minature,Norfolk Terrier,Pekingese,Pomeranian, and Toy Poodle are listed under size small.I hope this helps everyone.
It has a button broke off and I usually offer free shipping. I don't know if it would get many bids.I am going to take pictures of what I have and maybe you will see something you like.
Ok The other one is listed.I have several more including a leather look that either male or female could wear.I'm going to see how these do before listing.