Free: 0 To start! Adorable Hummel Style Children Light Switchplate/Switch Cover Single Size - Home Decor - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 0 To start! Adorable Hummel Style Children Light Switchplate/Switch Cover Single Size

0 To start! Adorable Hummel Style Children Light Switchplate/Switch Cover Single Size
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The listing, 0 To start! Adorable Hummel Style Children Light Switchplate/Switch Cover Single Size has ended.

We've selected recycled/salvaged paper images(magazines, gift catalogs, calenders, etc.) to custom craft decorative light switchplates /outlets.
They're perfect for homes with limited wall space.
Our switchplates/outlets have been sealed with several coats of protective sealer.
You have to see these mounted to appreciate their decorative touch Great for home or office
I only Accept Paypal for shipping payments
Please make a note on paypal payment the item you’re paying shipping on.--Mark as Goods so a shipping label with tracking can be printed.
Please make sure to use a verified address.
Switchplate shipping costs--> 1st Switchplate-$2.95 Each additional switchplate $1.00 each, 5 or more exact shipping.

Questions & Comments
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You rock!! Clover you are always such a pleasure to bid on your auctions. I appreciate the thought, but Ill pay the shipping and points. I know it gets expensive to ship. And hey I just do this for fun, but no lie... you should make this a business, your items are so unique. I love always seeing what you have up next. Like a kid in a candy store (such a wonderful break from jewelry!) Ill hollar at you when I get my Macys pallet in, You can give me your honest opinion on what you think of the items. ;) ok, gots to run, stay cool young lady.
May 22nd, 2013 at 12:24:53 PM PDT by
Thanks Kandis I appreciate everything you for me(us)
It's great to have so many wondeful customers
Can't wait to see your jewelry---send my sister the link too she's just now started listing on here Laura759 She adores! jewely too
May 22nd, 2013 at 2:47:56 PM PDT by

0 To start! Adorable Hummel Style Children Light Switchplate/Switch Cover Single Size is in the Home & Garden | Home Decor category