"WORST EXPERIENCE EVER ON LISTIA FOR ME ... " (more)>took 4 weeks for delivery and this person lives on the same state i do so if you guys want to bid on something from this seller and are willing to wait 3-4 weeks for an item to be delivered then go for it if you know how the postal system works and you know that you can get your item within 2-3 days because they live on the same state you do then dont bid because the seller will take forever to ship "
Mar 14th 2012, 5:25:54 PM GMT (about 13 years ago)
... " (more)>took 4 weeks for delivery and this person lives on the same state i do so if you guys want to bid on something from this seller and are willing to wait 3-4 weeks for an item to be delivered then go for it if you know how the postal system works and you know that you can get your item within 2-3 days because they live on the same state you do then dont bid because the seller will take forever to ship "