"Seller took a great deal of time to ship this ... " (more) auction item out in a timely manner. Took 26 days after the auction was won to be received. A dispute had to be filed, seller never responded to it so it cleared 5 days later. The item arrived in the mail today (with tracking) after the seller stated it didn't have one (this was the reason for my filing of the dispute). I've filed a request with the moderators to have the sellers credits refunded. Seller needs to improve commnuication skills with their bidders & ship within' 7 days of the auction end date (or atleast when they say they will) & look at their customs forms for the tracking number & provide it upon stating it's shipped in order to refrain from disputes being filed. "
Jun 5th 2012, 1:25:12 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)