"This Person Lied about everything The item and ... " (more) the shipping!! I have been burned by New Listians Many Times but now after having to wait 2 day before i was even able to file for my credits back, then waiting 5 long and agonizing days for the return of my credits i will never again Bid on any New Listian!! I know it sucks for me to say that but Ive been Burned just Too many times. Never communicated with me once, never answered questions during auction never even logged in after listing and never communicated with me! I hope you start to see these people for who they are and start removing these people a lot more than you currently do. this happens too much on this site! hire more staff, im sure there are people willing to do this full-time. This along with Most New Listians is usually a waist of time!!"
May 26th 2012, 9:17:06 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)