"Not the kind of seller anyone would ... " (more) want.Only response was her paypal accnt. Never sent the item, replied to any mails, or even the dispute. Buyers AND Sellers beware. Looks like this isn't her first bad feedback."
May 15th 2011, 7:12:29 PM BST (almost 14 years ago)
"Seller kept making excuses as to why she didn& ... " (more)#39;t send the stamps out. When I finally filed a dispute, they answered the dispute with a "sorry, in the mail already." I wrote to the seller that I'd cancel the dispute in the case of receiving the item. When I still didn't get the stamps after nearly two more weeks, I wrote to the seller that I hadn't gotten them yet, and they wrote to me that I hadn't gotten the stamps because they hadn't gotten their credits. A very rude, dishonest person! Buyers, BEWARE!"
May 11th 2011, 4:41:43 PM BST (almost 14 years ago)