"Won an item from seller, and was really ... " (more)looking forward to receiving it... However, almost a month has passed now since the auction closed, and I still have never heard ANYTHING from the seller, at all!... Even after the 3 or 4 messages I ended up having to send to her trying to get any response or update!... :(- So, obviously, it's was a Very Disappointing transaction, not only because I had to wait an extra week to get my credits refunded because she didn't respond!... But especially because I didn't end up be able to get an item I had really wanted, and was excited to be getting!... But oh well... Apparently, I should have looked at her feedback first, since at least half of the responses from the winners of her previous auctions claimed she did basically the same things to them, too!... :(- Hey, you live, you learn, right?... LOL [Check.] ;)"
Apr 21st 2012, 1:57:38 PM BST (almost 13 years ago)