"Never Received item... Person said she se ... " (more)nt them...thensaid I needed to print them off from a word document that she would only send me if I gave her my personal email...What company sends coupons out on a word document so you can print them as may times as you'd like...very strange.. Anyway I did just finally get my credits back but only thankfully to listia! Stay away from this bad egg!"
"This seller took 3 days to contact after the ... " (more)auction ended and then said she'd send coupons in 3-5 days. She then asked to email me the coupons so that I could print them out on my own printer. She said if I didn't want to print my own that I should ask for my credits to be returned and that is what I did. BUT, I had to wait the full time until they were automatically returned cuz she never granted me the return. This was a scam from them moment I won. Too bad tho :( I love B&J!! Wish it would have been real."