"I understand had one that done crazy stuff like ... " (more) that to I lived in it for 4 yrs the only thing good that came out of that marriage way my daughter she is 25 now and yes I would still like to have it it was going to be a gift if it's not to much trouble =)"
"I am so sorry Staci, I just got my printer onli ... " (more)ne last night because my husband ripped out all my wires to my office including phone line for 911 in a drunken rage. I don't drive so please if you still want this I'll just send it you for free. I can send it UPS. Let me know okay "
"I just make sure my buyers receive what they ... " (more)9;ve won reach them ASAP and guaranteed tracking/insurance. I'm so very glad you like them. "
"LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Super sweet seller, fa ... " (more)st secure shipping & awesome item! Who could ask for more?! Thank you so much! PLEASE let me know when you post more!!!"
"I'm so glad you love it hon. Thank you for ... " (more)the great communication with me, and your an A+++ buyer. Thank you for being apart of my lil community of followers, buyers, and as soon as I get home I'll let you know what perfumes I'm selling next. "
"The entire anklet sticks to a magnet so it is ... " (more)not sterling silver but it is worth the credits I paid so I appreciate it. Thanks for UPS shipping. Fast and safely delivered. Nice Seller. Thanks."
"I was sold a fake? Is this what your telling me ... " (more)? Because this is not the kind of things in witch I deal. If you say it's fake I trust you. Please allow me to refund your credits so my seller reputation isn't completely ruined. I didn't know and fhRs the god s honest truth. "
"Ty you for entrusting me with your order. I was ... " (more) hoping that someone as like yourself would get this, it just means you know your stuff!!! "
Jun 22nd 2017, 5:08:06 PM PDT (almost 8 years ago)
"I'm so glad you got it quick. I hope you li ... " (more)ke it. It's a great color of blue huh? Thank you shopping my listing and of course WINNING the auction "