"LISTIA UR A BUNCH OF IDIOTS bet ya didnt even ... " (more)check to see when or where it was redeemed hmmm brand new code that i had just opened the day i posted and it magically is redeemed already im tired of being accused of being a scam when im the one who gets scammed this place is a joke xoxo"
Feb 24th 2019, 11:59:50 PM PST (about 6 years ago)
"LISTIA UR A BUNCH OF IDIOTS bet ya didnt even ... " (more)check to see when or where it was redeemed hmmm brand new code that i had just opened the day i posted and it magically is redeemed already im tired of being accused of being a scam when im the one who gets scammed this place is a joke xoxo"
Feb 25th 2019, 12:00:41 AM PST (about 6 years ago)