"Thank you very much for this wonderful keyc ... " (more)hain, even more beautiful than photo! ^_^ I'm so happy! Perfect shipping, great listian!! ✮✮✮✮✮ Thank you friend! Best wishes!! ♥"
Jan 10th 2018, 10:16:48 AM PST (about 7 years ago)
"Never received, but seller did send a full refu ... " (more)nd. I really wanted to give this wallet to my Daughter for Christmas. I'm pretty bummed out... Lesson learned - never bid on items that come from China... :-("
"Never received, but seller did send a full refu ... " (more)nd. I really wanted to give this wallet to my Daughter for Christmas. I'm pretty bummed out... Lesson learnt - never bid on items that come from China... :-("
"OMG Thank you very much for this wonderful ... " (more)keychain, even more beautiful than photo! ^_^ I'm so happy! Perfect shipping, great listian!! ✮✮✮✮✮ Thank you friend! Best wishes & happy Xmas!! ♥"