"The buyer pmd me to tell me he received the it ... " (more)em and didn't mark it received and leaving feedback I have been waiting for a week for him to do so which is frustrating. Atleast he didn't act nasty towards me though."
"I'm so glad it arrived safe and I hope it ... " (more)works for you please feel free to message me if you're looking for something particular! Blessed Be ;)"
"It's been over a month and they never mark ... " (more)ed recieved or reached out to me about it... Never had a problem with anyone else getting the cards either."
"Hi. I got the Mystery Recipe in mail you sent ... " (more)me, that's Southern Fried Salmon Patties. In the mail today on Tuesday. I thank you for sending it to me."
Apr 28th 2020, 4:22:56 PM PDT (almost 5 years ago)