"Wrap in bubble wrap not just thrown into ... " (more) a box!!! Seems as though I am not the only one that doesn't care for how you send and package things up! Go elsewhere to bid with confidence"
Jan 15th 2019, 10:48:32 PM PST (about 6 years ago)
"I certainly did NOT 'throw it in a box ... " (more)9; just because I didn't have bubble wrap does not mean it wasn't packaged with care. All I had were paper towels and I padded this heavily with almost an entire roll. All the comments you left were rude and hurtful. I did the best I could "
"I don't know what happened if the se ... " (more)ller did not put shipping on this or if the usps did a error or what, but I had to pay for shipping which the seller did reimburse me for. This was suppose to have been a Christmas present, but got it after Christmas, but still loved and the dvd works great"
"I have apologized several times and I don' ... " (more);t know what happened but I certainly couldn't have given it to the post office without paying the postage. I mailed it in plenty of time and was told you'd have it by the 22nd.I really do feel bad because I know it was a gift but it wasn't my fault."