"I wanted to to negative feedback for this ... " (more)person, but I can't therefore I'm giving her neutral feedback. I want to let everyone know to be carefull with this person she never send me the rooster tea set and I paid her $11.35 for the shiping. I send her a money order and she never send me this. Why would someone list something that they are not intent to send just to get money??? RIPPERS"
Apr 6th 2012, 7:18:30 AM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"Excuse after excuse, never received my diape ... " (more)rs and mailed $15.45 in money order I will now have to go to the bank and claim fraud on it. She deleted her facebook account and I see she is pregnant so why on earth would she list diapers when she will be using them, obviously she is winning credits and accepting money for items that she never intends on shipping. I won this early February, its April and still a HUGE case of diapers just disappeared in the mail and she cant even replace my money. Really dont like being lied to and I dont appreciate being burned over some diapers! Very negative experience. Beware."
Mar 24th 2012, 2:23:06 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"I sent the shipping to this person TWICE an ... " (more)d was told I would get my items, but never did, and its been MONTHS~NOT WEEKS~MONTHS~its been so long I can't even dispute it and request my credits back anymore because I trusted and got burned! BEWARE!!!! "