"Was hospitalized due to an emergency heal ... " (more)th issue, I am very sorry and you of course can keep your points but I will be shipping your item this week."
"Was hospitalized due to an emergency heal ... " (more)th issue, I am very sorry and you of course can keep your points but I will be shipping your item this week."
"Was hospitalized due to an emergency heal ... " (more)th issue, I am very sorry and you of course can keep your points but I will be shipping your item this week."
"Was hospitalized due to an emergency heal ... " (more)th issue, I am very sorry and you of course can keep your points but I will be shipping your item this week."
"Was hospitalized due to an emergency heal ... " (more)th issue, I am very sorry and you of course can keep your points but I will be shipping your item this week."
"Was hospitalized due to an emergency heal ... " (more)th issue, I am very sorry and you of course can keep your points but I will be shipping your item this week."
"Was hospitalized due to an emergency heal ... " (more)th issue, I am very sorry and you of course can keep your points but I will be shipping your item this week."
"Was hospitalized due to an emergency heal ... " (more)th issue, I am very sorry and you of course can keep your points but I will be shipping your item this week."