"Thank you so much, and I'm sure you wi ... " (more)ll make something beautiful out of these! Buyer has been wonderful and sent me address right away!!"
"Really great bidder!! Provided information ... " (more) right away and just an all around honest and nice Listian!! Would bid on her auctions ANY time!!"
"I am so impressed that you jewelry!! Ya ... " (more)9;ll have some really great stuff!! Thank you for bidding and winning the auction!! What nice people you are!! Wonderful Listians!!"
"It's on its way!! Thank you for biddin ... " (more)g and winning! I'm looking at your auctions too...you have a few more under your belt than I...I'm envious!! Obviously a great Listian with a wonderful track record!!"
"Has become one of my favorite listers on ... " (more)here.With the quality and quick and careful shipping I know I will be bidding on another item very soon!She even put up with my new paypal account when it would not give her shipping when I wanted it to!Thank you for working with me on that!"