"waited whole 10 days to get credit for item. wh ... " (more)en i sent out same time as other order and was given credit. also sent two emails requesting if he had received em so i could try and figure out problems if any exist. just did not feel was right not to click received when item is gotten."
Mar 3rd 2012, 12:19:43 PM PST (almost 13 years ago)
"it can be frustrating at times, that's f ... " (more)or sure,,,,,,,this is not my first time in receiving a broken item.....i saved the envelope, that it came in, and have written information on it,address.etc.....date,etc...sorry to see you go, but i will no longer purchase anything breakable either...sorry this was so much trouble.....i never intended it to me, and since i saved the envelope, you might have paid for something you didn't get, because there is no bubble wrap in it, just grey felty material..........thanks for all your trouble......chris"
Mar 14th 2012, 9:08:43 AM PDT (almost 13 years ago)