"Itt's iritating for us both. The pack came ... " (more) back torn and empty, and I'm out of seeds to send again. Very unhappy for your lack of seeds. Ebay is where I got mine to start, it may help you."
Apr 20th 2013, 4:54:35 AM PDT (almost 12 years ago)
"I'm really sorry this purchase hasn't ... " (more)arrived. The seeds are being sent out, They aren't getting to you. I can't really apologise for the postal service, but I am running out of seeds for some oddball thief. Good luck. Ebay usually has a decent selection of this sort of seed"
Apr 17th 2013, 6:22:09 AM PDT (almost 12 years ago)
"thank you for being honest with me on why it n ... " (more)ever arrived, next time just holler and i'll give it more time before requesting any refund :-)"
"I will send you the seeds. The pack I send has ... " (more) arrived back to me torn, with no seeds in it. You ought to get seeds whether or not the post office can handle the envelope. This happens around here no matter what kind of envelope I use."