"I cannot believe how generous she is! ... " (more)Plus, there was great, personal communication throughout the auction and immediate action after winning! Thank you so much!"
Apr 1st 2012, 8:05:45 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"Very Awesome bidder, truely a great hearte ... " (more)d, spirited, and fun person to have the pleasure of getting to have bid on your auctions. Would have had this kind of auctions from the start if I had know how much fun she would make them!!!!!!!"
Apr 1st 2012, 8:47:37 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"Had good commincation with this buyer, how ... " (more)ver due to my son Having surgery weas a little unorganoized and couldnt find the tracking number to confirm shipment. Hopeing you recieved your item and just got to bust with life to let me know so. Sorry you havent had a good experience with l;ista, I have only had one stitiuation where i never heard from the person that auction I won. Please try again, dont give up, lista is a great place with great people and wonderful things to bid on. Sorry about your wait in recieving the item you won from me, I cant control the postal service speed, but do beleive that i have had good comminicatioon with you, wondering and waiting just as you are about where or why it took so long for you to recive. Please check the post mark, and you will see i did mail it out in a very timely manner! Thank you and sorry that you had to wait and that you experience with listsa and your several other wins havent been as good of an experience you would have liked them to be. Again I usually am much more organized with my paper work and conformtion numbers, but my 18 year old son had to have emergancy suergy so as a mother that kinda had me a little worried and my mind wasnt quit where it should have been as far as being my normal well organized self, So again I apoligize for not being able to find the tracking number!"
Mar 22nd 2012, 3:14:15 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)