"Wow, beautiful bags! Fast Shipping! Sweetie y ... " (more)ou always have such good items, no wonder I keep coming back - lol I am very happy and thank you for making this a pleasant transaction. :) :)"
Sep 25th 2010, 10:45:55 PM PDT (over 14 years ago)
"OMG I was Never rude READ what he wrote ... " (more)to me! first and then second he said COKE Gave him the credits read here I have only one thing to say that, I entered those three codes, MyCokeRewards said they all were used. I did not receive any credits for them. Who do I believe you or Coke? If it were one code I could believe an error but not three in a row. You are the most seriously hateful mule-headed person I have dealt with on Listia. After reading your last post I am now convinced you are lying and this wasn't an error. I'm seriously considering say to hell with the credits and canceling the dispute just so I can leave you the feedback you deserve. NOW READ THIS rural631 (156) 100% Auction Ended: 63 My Coke Reward Points (auction link) Coke gave me a full refund on the non working codes, no explanation. I now have my points so I am canceling the dispute."
"Wow omg omg omg !!!!!!!! i totally love it thank ... " (more) you so much is like u really knew that i was in neede of this items and sure i was a mystery cause each item was nice wrap in color paper wow i love it !q!!!!!!!!!1 you rock !!!!!! will bed on your auctions again by the way kove all the smells and the purse "