"Sweetie, I advise you to please read the ... " (more)Listia rules in case you haven't already done so and always send the items out as soon as you can as well as let the buyers know the exact date when you ship their winnings. Everyone is busy, that is not an excuse to make them wait for and indefinite time. You have a week after the buyer has given you their shipping address to send out the item or when you *really* don't have time to go to the post office, provide them with an exact date and stick to your promises."
Mar 22nd 2012, 10:21:51 AM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"Neutral? I did everything on my side, sent ... " (more)shipping address to you right away etc. I received an email from LIstia saying that you may be spam? That is the reason I requested my credits back."