"Sorry about the delay, but it went out tod ... " (more)ay. Expect it within a couple of days (Possibly Friday) please leave me feedback once you've received your item and don't forget to hit the GOT IT link when you receive it. Thanks again for watching and once again sorry for the delay."
May 15th 2012, 11:27:08 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"Card Protectors were shipped today, expect ... " (more) within a few days and please leave me feedback once you've received your item. Thanks for watcing."
May 10th 2012, 12:13:35 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"I shipped the cards today, expect both car ... " (more)ds within a couple of days. Please leave me feedback once you've received the items. Thank you!"
May 3rd 2012, 11:46:36 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"I shipped the cards today, expect both car ... " (more)ds within a couple of days. Please leave me feedback once you've received the items. Thank you!"
May 3rd 2012, 11:46:35 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"The card was shipped off today, expect it ... " (more)within a couple of days and please leave me feedback once you've received your item. Thank you."
Apr 28th 2012, 11:49:45 AM PDT (almost 13 years ago)