"This auction is 1 month old and my first auc ... " (more)tion so I didn't know about responding so fast..You received your credits back with no argument and NOW you leave me negative feedback....UNCOOL! I am stunned by this negative comment after over 1 month since the auction ended!!!"
"Took a long time to get here. I am sure i ... " (more)f I win your other auction it will not take so long. Nice frames though they are not gold but brown. Thanks"
"I am going to go ahead and lave possitive. ... " (more).. however, the "giftcard" WAS NOT a "giftcard". You simply went online,printed out a coupon on hp photo paper, and then laminated it??? Why did you say "giftcard"???"
Sep 22nd 2010, 11:01:13 PM PDT (over 14 years ago)
"i got them finally after 16 days but the sel ... " (more)ler waited till the next auction was up of the same thing which ended ten days later so that the seller could ship them together to save on postage when seller stated they were shipping it out that Monday when they were not. disappointed. but items are perfect and just as stated"