"Awwww no worries, just if you do ship fragil ... " (more)e make sure to use foam or bubble wrap, not newspaper or safeway bags, they will not protect your things, but foam is excellent!! hey, you tried!!! i do not hold it against you, you are new & did not know the usps uses our packages for hockey pucks ...lol. also, check out flat rate envelopes, they r awesome. they look flat, like they don;t hold much .....but they reeeeally do hold a lot!!! they r only $5. to ship anything you can cram into them ....lol if you have any ???'s just feel free to ask me, i have been on here for a while, it is a pretty cool site, however; there are some reeeeally grumpy frumpy folks that love to complain and call names, don't pay them any attention, you can block anyone that you want to!! so give this a chance and look into those envelopes!!!"
Jun 5th 2012, 6:29:00 AM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"Thank you so much for your patients and my i ... " (more)gnorance! I'm an thrilled that you received the purse for your mother, and I'm glad I learned from this experience! Thanks again!"
May 23rd 2012, 8:52:38 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)