"awesome, awesome, awesome job and seller!!! I ... " (more) love them so,so much! <(@ ̄︶ ̄@)> thanks so very, very much for listing them! ツA++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
"Kelly THIS is so,so,so, so BEAUTIFUL!!! (*¯︶¯ ... " (more)*)THANK YOU so very, very much for LISTING them here! (*¯︶¯*)YOU ARE so talented and very, very good at what u do! (*¯︶¯*)my mom took the purple! (*¯︶¯*)she loves your stuff too! awesome!"
"Absolutely beautiful. You are very tal ... " (more)ented. I want a black pair! Hopefully you list a pair on Listia & I win again..lol. Thank you for the fast shipping as well. You were a pleasure doing business with!!!"
"they are awesome looming and beautif ... " (more)ul. thank you. I love em been looking everywhere for them since I saw my niece had some. thanks for putting up with me. --- Lisa"
Sep 19th 2013, 11:36:35 AM PDT (over 11 years ago)
thanks so very, very much for listing them! ツA++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"