"Adorable Dress~Wonderful Seller who TRULY ca ... " (more)res about her Customers. Considerate and always goes the extra mile~Perfect customer service Thank you Kim for everything"
"Sent it UPS this a.m.! :^) hope u love it &a ... " (more)mp; ur lil girly!!!!! Its ultra comfy, lemme kno wen u get it? Thank you so much for your bids and your consideration! Thanx again, Kim"
"Sent theseon the 29th Ups..i really hope Ur ... " (more)daughter loves them! & the locket i sent? :-D lemme kno wen u get em? ;-). Thx again n hope to do business w u again!!! B-) Thx, Kim"
"Had to request credits back.. Credits refunde ... " (more)d, but not on agreed day of her last auction end.. I understand ups can mix up things & would have left postive fb if credits were received on agreed day. I missed out on a great auction bc not enough credits. I was nice enough not to leave negative fb.:)"
"Great Listian, VERY good person & really ... " (more) patient.. I am VERY VERY sorry about all of this (UPS fiasco) i hope u can hav some more patience & I'll be sending out the suit as soon as they ship all the pkgs out(if u need proof look at my recent fb..alot of people didnt get their stuff bk?)"
"A favorite Listian of mine, the Italian le ... " (more)ather is exquisite and I LOVE it! Thank you Kim. for the extra surprise gift also! A+++ all the way!!! :)"
"Great Listian! & Very nice person n supe ... " (more)r patient. Im so sorry about what would only happen to me lol...but thx 4 ur time n understanding."